So what's this all about?

Having had strong views on matters for as long as I can remember, yet derived with an open mind on issues spanning sex, politics, religion, food, wine and other apparently equally 'controversial' subjects, I have been encouraged to put fingers to blog, and put some structure to it all.

My hope is simply to evoke discussion, nurture strong debate, and entertain all at the same time. I therefore invite you to join me on this journey..

Monday, 23 July 2018

Life can be short - Begin with the end in mind

I've tried to live life from relatively early on by my own mantra of 'Life can be short, so begin everything with the end in mind'. Not in a melancholy way by any means, but merely to try to make the most out of this life, as there is no other, and "don't dream it, be it" (to coin a phrase from The Rocky Horror Picture Show).
That means, I stopped or never even embraced chasing things that just don't matter in the end - to me, (e.g. climbing taller and taller corporate ladders, playing business politics, accumulating material wealth for the sake of it, befriending and even entertaining pretentious people, stressing about what other people think, living to work as opposed to working to live life, sweating the small stuff, not saying what you honestly think, getting caught up in a group of negative political propagandists, not having enough time to do the things you truly want to do and places to see, not eating food and drinking wine that feeds a ceremony, etc. ). Rather I have done the opposite, in attempt to chase and do things that really do matter, do things and visit places that feed my 'soul' and surround myself with those who really mean something to me, challenge me, impart wisdom, thrive in vociferous debate covering.., at times, controversial subject matter to many who prefer the PC, 'rather not go there' approach.
That makes life rich to me, as much as a game ranger friend once remarked to me years ago, that he didn't earn much money by what he did, but got paid in sunsets instead. A profound comment that said so much about him and what 'life' truly meant to him.
Sometimes I forget however and need reminding, sometimes other people's experiences help put it all into perspective too..

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