So what's this all about?

Having had strong views on matters for as long as I can remember, yet derived with an open mind on issues spanning sex, politics, religion, food, wine and other apparently equally 'controversial' subjects, I have been encouraged to put fingers to blog, and put some structure to it all.

My hope is simply to evoke discussion, nurture strong debate, and entertain all at the same time. I therefore invite you to join me on this journey..

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Undeniably Fascinating Study of Biblical Proportions

I have never been known to be quiet particularly when it comes to sex, politics or religion, and have enjoyed much animated banter and heated debate on all equally so.  Sadly however, there have been one or two casualties along the way, yet very few, where I may have alienated some folk who have disagreed so vehemently with me, that they felt it too difficult to preserve the friendship.  Sad indeed in that I have loved and respected friendships with people whom I regard as passionately differing in views to myself in many respects, yet with the ability to discuss and debate challenging issues maturely, eruditely, openly and honestly, without emotions getting in the way.  Other than Veganism, religion however has been the only one where these casualties I speak of have arisen, and only Christianity at that.  Perhaps that speaks reams about the religion and the unease and vulnerability in which it has left many of its so-called converts or believers.  However, that is my opinion of course, yours may differ and I encourage you to tell me why?

I suppose my biggest surprise has been a few of my better educated mates, who can still believe in what I've understood so clearly since my youth to be clear contradictions in-terms across almost any facet of the Bible.  Blind faith and intellect I have always felt to be oxymorons.  But as I say, there are a few who appear to contradict this conclusion of mine, and why I just cannot comprehend.  As a moral guide, I accept the Bible has a place, although even there I have difficulties based upon the absurd violent, misogynistic, sociopathic cruelty that besets the Book from start to finish, particularly so in the Old Testament.  There is a clear distinction in the God of ‘old’ and the God of ‘new’.  The former was ruthless and revengeful, speaking openly and frequently to His/Her/Its chosen subjects, whilst the latter only spoke to Jesus apparently.  Not even a burning bush to set hearts on fire in the New Testament. 

But of course I could go on and on.  I mean, why go to all the trouble to create little people in ‘your own image’ only to have to drown them all, bar a small family, a few centuries later for bad behaviour.  As for the incest that clearly followed, well that’s something else to comprehend.  So who created ‘bad behaviour’ then after all, I beseech thee?  After all, who was THE creator of EVERYTHING, mosquitoes included?  And so I could go on asking why babies die before being able to make the so-called choice, people who have been born and died over thousands of years without hearing the ‘word of God’ or Jesus.  What was the point of having all of them around at all?  But let me stop it at that before I can’t stop.

Recently I was forwarded a website that I found profoundly fascinating and have spent some time going through it in my spare time.  The site is , according to which, aspires to be a beautiful and interactive resource for sceptics and believers alike to explore some of the more negative aspects of the holy books, such as Bible contradictions, biblical inerrancy and the Bible as a source of morality.  It was deeply inspired by the Reason Project's poster of biblical contradictions, which in turn was inspired by Chris Harrison's Bible Visualizations.  Worth Googling in their own right.

Many of the contradictions shown stem from a literal interpretation of the stories in the Bible (biblical inerrancy). Some verses may be mistranslations, allegories, exaggerations, etc. and can be interpreted in the context of the society in which they were written, rewritten, or otherwise modified over time, while others are very clear contradictions.

Considering that 46% of Americans apparently believe in a literal interpretation of Genesis (and probably other portions of the Bible) and the fact that many sects disagree on which parts to take literally, it seems reasonable to include these contradictions based on literal interpretation.

The developer intends for this massive project to show that whilst the Bible may have much to offer us, biblical inerrancy and morality it certainly does not. Without inerrancy it's simple to see that we just do not know which parts are the ‘word’ or ‘will’ of God are true or factually correct, if any. Basing our morality on vile, abhorrent stories from a long-forgotten era of humanity in a part of the world many have never even seen seems absurd to me. What the Bible does offer us however is an amazing look into humanity, our past, our desires and our fears.  No more so perhaps than Steven Covey’s, Seven Habits of Highly Effective People.

So with that said, let the stoning begin..

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