The challenge we face this time around come South African election time, is damned if we do and damned if we don't.. One may elect to vote for the DA (despite Mmusi's unfortunate 'mess'), in order to strengthen the official opposition which may be admirable.
One may be seeing 'red' however and decide that red overalls and berets are the latest in your choice of this Season's fashion statement. That may be good if you're unemployed, short-sighted if not mentally challenged, however representation in an 'organised' Parliament may be better than revolts on the streets (better the red devil you know..).
There of course is the legacy of the old Right Wing in the form of Vryheidsfront (sideburns and beards sonder moustaches only brigade). That may attract similar short-sighted, propaganda induced excitement amongst some who still wish Apartheid was alive an kicking (no pun intended), despite, like the EFF, the occasional wise political input, but sadly only rarely.
But when one gets down to it, normally voting for a strong opposition is an admirable strategic intent, however in this particular election, if the ANC loses ground, Ace and his fellow hyenas may just have the excuse they need to oust Cyril Ramaphosa as president of the party and therefore the country, along with his honourable stooges, putting us squarely back in the doomed Zuma dark ages. All efforts to right the wrongs and put those guilty of State Capture and other pillaged jewels will become the 'new' leadership, and that would be the end of that. Quite literally..
So, we have a choice here as I see it. Vote for the party you want to lead your Province and City in terms of what works and has been proven to do so effectively, and vote nationally to allow Cyril to clean up.. I'm really not sure how I feel about it all this time around, but be damn sure to have your say, or be prepared to shut up forever more..
So what's this all about?
Having had strong views on matters for as long as I can remember, yet derived with an open mind on issues spanning sex, politics, religion, food, wine and other apparently equally 'controversial' subjects, I have been encouraged to put fingers to blog, and put some structure to it all.
My hope is simply to evoke discussion, nurture strong debate, and entertain all at the same time. I therefore invite you to join me on this journey..