It's about time big business and ad agencies woke up to the fact that digital advertising is not all its made out to be.. It was a desperate scramble on their part when traditional media platforms started to vanish, yet nobody really understands how to make it work effectively and sustainably.
Much digital advertising however is more destructive to the brand than positive, and an extreme irritation to users of Social Media (prospective clients) in particular. Afterall, they wanted to 'socialise' on the mediums, not be interrupted and annoyed by banners and digital junk mail.
If WhatsApp decide to allow advertising, watch people simply switch to other options overnight, just as the Facebook frenzy came to an abrupt halt in the Western World when they decided to embrace advertising. How many 'Millennials' and Gen-Y'ers do you know who still use the platform?
I still stand by my conviction that, much like the value of a Bitcoin, Facebook's stock valuation is a bubble about to burst (remember the IT and Property Bubbles set up by investor conmen of the past few decades, only to exit before the man in the street felt the pain of stock prices plummeting..?). Consumers and customers are not naive, so why do so many businesses treat them as if they were?
Don't follow the emotional blackmail fear of missing out (FOMO). Think about it logically, and only then strategically..
It appears that some big global companies (e.g. P&G) are starting to wake up..