So what's this all about?

Having had strong views on matters for as long as I can remember, yet derived with an open mind on issues spanning sex, politics, religion, food, wine and other apparently equally 'controversial' subjects, I have been encouraged to put fingers to blog, and put some structure to it all.

My hope is simply to evoke discussion, nurture strong debate, and entertain all at the same time. I therefore invite you to join me on this journey..

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Certain UCT Students Poo-poo Cecil, yet choose to ignore Jacob - Where's the consistency in that?

Perhaps we're in a good space in South Africa when the most offensive issue facing students of the University of Cape Town today is a statue of a chubby old dude who donated all of his land to the City, including the very grounds of the current campus.  Sure, Cecil John Rhodes did come from an era of naivety and an entitled feeling of colonialist superiority. But so did King Shaka Zulu, although his rape and plunder of the Xhosa, Swazi, Pondo amongst others wasn't quite regarded as colonisation for some reason.  Merely a 'redistribution of wealth and women' perhaps?

I wonder however, which of the current protesters own children will one day give the same treatment to a statue of another chubby old dude who currently resides over the country, for very similar reasons, bar a few nuanced differences in terms of property dealings perhaps (i.e. one 'paid back the land', the other simply kept his)? Where is the consistency in that?

After all, rape and plunder are one and the same, black, white or beige..  And I thought UCT was a bastion of esteemed higher education.

For more on the story behind the comment: